Creative Prompts for Inspiration

Get started with our collection of engaging prompts to kickstart your writing or art journey. Find the perfect idea to ignite your creativity.

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116 Available Prompts

The friendship garden

Imagine a garden where each plant represents a different friend or classmate. Write about how each plant is unique and special. How do you care for all the different plants? How do you help them grow together?

Writing Prompt

The Listening hat

Design a special hat that helps the wearer listen better and understand others. How does it work? How would you use it to improve your communication with friends and family?

Writing Prompt

The day my feelings got mixed up

Write a story about waking up one morning to find your feelings have gotten all mixed up (e.g., you laugh when you're supposed to be sad, or get angry when you're supposed to be happy). How do you figure out what's wrong, and how do you fix it? What do you learn about yourself in the process?

Writing Prompt

Dreaming of Healing

Write a personal narrative as if you were a medical student with a special gift - the ability to heal others with just a touch. Describe a day in the life of this extraordinary medical student. How do they use their gift to help those in need and what challenges do they face along the way?

Writing Prompt
{{ active_story.title ? active_story.title : 'Untitled' }}
Need help to write a Poem? Need help to write a Short Story?
{{ countWords() }} words

Story Maps

Story Map

Plan Your Story

Organize your ideas with Story Map to kickstart your writing journey. Ready to begin?

Start Mapping


Name of character

{{ }}

Character description

{{ character.description }}


Where does the story take place?

{{ }}

Character description

{{ setting.description }}


What is the conflict?

{{ conflict.what }}

Why does this conflict occur?

{{ conflict.why }}


How is the conflict resolved?

{{ }}

What happens after it is resolved?

{{ resolution.what }}

How did the conflict affect the characters?

{{ resolution.effect }}

Writing Prompts

Story Map

Discover Writing Prompts

Find inspiration for your story with our prompts.

Explore Writing Prompts

{{ active_prompt.title }}

{{ }}


Your Writing Assistant

{{ group.label }}


Spark - Your Writing Assistant

{{ message.message }}

Welcome to Writing Editor!

Before sharing your amazing story, make sure to log in your account to officially join the writing challenge. If you don’t have one yet, click “Sign Up” to create your account and start your writing journey.

You must complete all the information below to publish your story.

Remember to add a cover image to your story submission. Good luck and happy writing!

Great job on your poem! Now, choose a fun background image to make it even more special. Keep up the fantastic work and happy creating!

Your story has been submitted for review!

Generate Prompts

{{ prompt.title }}

{{ prompt.content }}

Results will appear here!

Once you generate prompts, this space will be filled with creative ideas to fuel your inspiration and kickstart your writing or art journey



No characters added yet

Let’s start building the cast of your story!

Name of character

{{ }}

Character description

{{ character.description }}


No settings added yet

Begin by creating the world where your story unfolds.

Where does the story take place?

{{ }}

Character description

{{ setting.description }}


No conflicts added yet

Time to introduce some drama and tension to your story!

What is the conflict?

{{ conflict.what }}

Why does this conflict occur?

{{ conflict.why }}


No resolutions added yet

Get ready to bring your story to a satisfying conclusion.

How is the conflict resolved?

{{ }}

What happens after it is resolved?

{{ resolution.what }}

How did the conflict affect the characters?

{{ resolution.effect }}


{{ title }}


Name of character
{{ }}
Character description
{{ character.description }}


Where does the story take place?
{{ }}
Setting description
{{ setting.description }}


What is the conflict?
{{ conflict.what }}
Why does this conflict occur?
{{ conflict.why }}


How is the conflict resolved?
{{ }}
What happens after it is resolved?
{{ resolution.what }}
How did the conflict affect the characters?
{{ resolution.effect }}

Hey there!

Before we start, we’re excited to learn more about you.

What should we
call you?

Nice to meet you,
{{ }}!

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What gender do you
identify with?

What is your


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Your account details

Password Requirements

× Minimum 8 characters in length

× Must include at least one lower case letter (a-z)

× Must include at least one upper case letter (A-Z)

× Must include at least one number ( 0-9)



Verify your email

Verify parent's email

Hello, {{ }} . To complete your sign-up and start using the editor, we need to verify your email.
Please check your email.

Hello, {{ }} . To start using the editor, we need to verify your parent/guardian's email.
Please ask them to check their email.

{{ }}

Didn’t receive an email? Resend


Congratulations, {{ }}!

Are you ready to share your amazing story? Your writing journey begins now. We can't wait to read the story you'll submit for the challenge.