The most memorable day of my life...
adeteyamishra.5Wednesday, June 16, 2022
Time: 10:00 p.m.
Dear Diary,
Today, an amazing thing happened! Today, fifteen days after the park incident, my friends showed up! But you don't know anything about the park incident, do you? Let me tell you...
Fifteen days ago, on the very first day of my summer vacation, I was playing football in the park, accompanied by my friends, Rohan and Rahul, in the evening. We were using my red and blue football, my most favourite one. We had played continuously for at least half an hour, were drenched in sweat but were still exuberant. After some time, we took a rest. Everyone sat on the ground. Suddenly, Rohan jumped. Shouting like a mad, he came rushing towards my football and kicked it hard. Until today, I did not know why he did it... The ball flew all the way to the other end of the park in a magnificent arc. Eyes open wide in shock and horror, I stared at it. Unfortunately, the ball landed on a sharp fence that was laid on the park's walls for security. It landed with such a force that the fence pierced into my football and punctured it! I ran towards it. It was over. My favourite football was gone forever, I knew it. Tears welled up in my eyes as I reached the punctured ball. I took it out and, turned...
My friends, I saw, were rushing out of the park and Rohan was beckoning me to follow him, as if mocking me... I returned home.
Pure rage blazed in me. How could they do this to me, I thought, incredulously. I vowed to myself that I would never talk to Rohan again. But today, just fifteen days later, I broke my vow!
Today, Rohan came to my house. I was furious with him but I decided to control my anger. It was difficult but, as I found out, not impossible. And then, he gave me a new football. The very same one that I had, but brand new! And then, after apologising, Rohan told me why he had suddenly kicked the ball that day...
He had seen a snake, slithering slowly, in the park and was scared out of his wits. Anyone would be. He had started running towards the gate, and called Rahul and me to rush with him. I hadn't heard him. On his way, he had kicked my precious football and I had started running towards it. And according to Rohan, I was running very close to the snake! He had been beckoning me, not to make fun of me but to warn me of the danger that was slithering in the grass... My anger ebbed away. I let out a sigh of relief and understanding. I embraced my friend.
But it would not have been possible, had I not controlled my anger and listened to Rohan.
Today I realised that controlling anger can keep things peaceful even in the worst situations.
I will remember this incident my whole life...
Good Night Diary,